M5Stack’s light sensor informs the Raspberry Pi when a rotary beacon light is on
M5Stack’s light sensor detects the lighting of the rotary beacon light and sends the lighting information to the Raspberry Pi via BLE (Bluetooth Low Enegy).
M5Stack’s light sensor detects the lighting of the rotary beacon light and sends the lighting information to the Raspberry Pi via BLE (Bluetooth Low Enegy).
There was a large amount of access from bot traffic in one day.
Added a setting to .htaccss to disallow access from bot traffic.
An article from February 1, 2021, when there was a large amount of bot traffic on this site between midnight of February 1 and early morning of February 2.
I used the M5StickC and BME280 sensor module to measure temperature, humidity, and air pressure, and advertise the measurement results via BLE.
An article on connecting a temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure sensor to a Raspberry Pi to measure temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure.
FreeRTOS (Real Time Operating System) was acquired by Amazon in 2017 and is being developed as “Amazon FreeRTOS”.
A lightweight and simple Real Time OS
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